Memory of Musashino

The memory of musashino of aobut 100 years ago, you can see in the famous article "Musashino" written by Kunikida Doppo. He was probablly the first Japanese person who discovered modern scenery by the eye of independent individual. He said that he had been strongly influenced by the Russian Natural Literature. However such an eye toward scenary or landscape by independent individuals was lost in social totalizm which drove the people towards the war. After the second world war, the world was divided into west and east sectors with an accompanying threat by nuclear weapons which could kill the human beeing several times all over the world together with its habitat seneries on the earth. Everything was thought of to be so weak and unreliable before such weapons and people worked hard only to forget such a threat during they worked. One day they found themselves to have attained miracle economic growth but lost their beautiful habitat around them. But everyone pretended the lost nature and its landscapes of Musashino was little worth their whiles to protect or to consider its protection compared with the comfort able to forget habiting fears in their mind. But almost at the same time that the iron curtain was removed, several movement to recover the nature of Musashino began to start like as resumption of waterway of Tamagawa Canal and Nobidome Canal with consequent recovery of its green wood vegetations. The last decade of 20 Century of Japan is so-called "lost decade" in economic performance, however we can point out that basis of recovery of Japanese nature was prepared in that decade especially in their mentality. Of course so much of Musashino was lost in past, but we believe the memory of it we can still find out in its field.


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