【Musashi-kyuryou National Government Park "Autumn Leaves over The Pond"】
   Nov.,2001   Oil Painting  15F 65.2×53.0cm    Lakhan 
The ancient Kamakura Road go through the Park from south to northwest leaving it between
the West Gate and the North Gate around which we can find several artificial ponds.
Ryuya-pond is one of such ponds which quietly sinks in the wood of deciduous oaks.
There are walking lanes around the pond where we can rarely find walking people
other than those who participate in some excercise like a marathon or some similar
event program. When I visited this park a month beofre, I found a grass of burnet
fluttering in the whistle of wind which I thought has long vanished in Musashino.
As the Autumn advances, the leaves of oaks turn even deeper in yellow or red
glowing over the pond.

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