【Autumn Oak Wood in Horikane, Sayama City】   
    Nov 2000  Oil Painting 15F 65.2×53.0cm   Lakhan  
In the summer of 2000, it was extraordinarily hot in Musashino and recorded the highest temperature of a litle more than 39 ℃ since meteorological observation started about 100 yeas ago in Kumagaya. Hot days of more than 30 ℃ lasted till after the autumn equinox this year and it was as late as the biginning of October that we felt it became rather cool. In October of that year, I visited Russia for the first time to come back on Oct 19, but rainy and cloudy days continued since my coming back due to the seasonal rain front which continued to stay near south of Japan. It was on Nov.5 that we found it first autumn like clear fine day that year and on that holiday I hastened my way to the wood of Holikane, Sayama City, where I found a wood some of the leaves of which being a little colored. It was next holiday on Nov.11 that I visited there to complete the picture. On that day, it was rather windy and fallen leaves from deciduous zerkova trees were blown by the wind scattering in the air around the way. It was the Autumn of Musashino. When I went into the wood, the trees were swaying and howling by the wind. The branches were swinging and scattering the sunshine by their leaves increasing in the brightness inside the wood and ultramarine sky blue.

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